We Help You Hire a .Net MVC Developer From South America

It can be stressful and time-consuming to find the right nearshore company to hire a .Net MVC Developer from. A good .Net MVC developer must be smart, responsible, hardworking, and have proven skills.
By using our AI matching algorithm, we can help your organization find the right developer for your project. The combination of data and personal interviews ensures you will have a perfect match for your team.
Our goal is to help you hire .Net MVC developers that will contribute quality code from day one. Due to this, we’ve refined our hiring process over the last several years, and many fast-growing startups rely on it. Our .Net MVC Software Developers will add expertise to your team. Hire Dot Net Developer today.
US Hours
As our engineers are located in Brazil, they are available to work US hours to communicate and integrate with your existing team.
South American Pricing
Our team consists of talented and experienced software developers from South America who want to work with US companies.
One Flat Fee
All local employment taxes and employee benefits are handled by us, you just pay a flat-rate monthly or hourly rate.
Only Tested Developers
With us, you can hire a skilled professional who has passed our testing process.

What is .Net MVC?

.NET MVC, or Model-View-Controller, is a robust web development framework crafted by Microsoft. It provides a structured architectural pattern that divides web applications into three interconnected components: the Model, the View, and the Controller. Each component has a specific role and collaborates harmoniously to deliver dynamic and scalable web solutions.
Empowering Development Efficiency
.NET MVC empowers development efficiency through its clear separation of concerns, allowing developers to focus on specific tasks without entangling their logic. This separation enhances code maintainability and reusability. Additionally, .NET MVC’s modular architecture facilitates comprehensive unit testing, ensuring the functionality of individual components and improving the overall reliability of the application. Lastly, the framework’s flexibility and extensibility enable developers to customize and extend its functionalities, rapidly implement new features, and leverage a vast ecosystem of resources, further enhancing development efficiency.
Clear Separation of Concerns:
.NET MVC promotes a clear separation of concerns among the Model, View, and Controller. This separation allows developers to focus on specific tasks without entangling their logic. It enhances code maintainability and reusability, making development more efficient and reducing the risk of introducing errors.
Enhanced Testability:
By isolating the components, .NET MVC facilitates unit testing. Developers can write tests for individual components independently, ensuring the functionality of each module. This comprehensive testing approach simplifies bug identification, improves code quality, and boosts the overall reliability of the application.
Flexibility and Extensibility:
.NET MVC offers high flexibility and extensibility, empowering developers to customize and extend its functionalities. By integrating third-party libraries, frameworks, and tools, developers can tailor the application to their specific needs, rapidly implement new features, and leverage a vast ecosystem of resources.
Scalability and Performance:
The modular architecture of .NET MVC enables developers to build scalable applications. It allows for easy management of increasing user loads, enhances performance, and facilitates the introduction of new features without compromising stability. This scalability is crucial for growing applications and businesses.
.NET MVC empowers developers with a structured and efficient approach to web development. Its clear separation of concerns, enhanced testability, flexibility, scalability, and strong community support make it an ideal choice for building dynamic, scalable, and reliable web applications. By adopting .NET MVC, developers can unleash their development efficiency, harness the power of customization, and leverage the collective knowledge of a thriving community.
- A Simple easy to learn syntax
- Flexible and simple design
- Lightweight and fast
- Comes with all the essentials needed for web development
- Highly scalable
- HTTP libraries;
- Powered by Dot Net
- A supported unit test framework

José da Silva
.Net MVC Web Developer
7+ Years of Dot Net 6+ Years of .Net MVC. Has worked for both startups and larger corporates.

Antônio dos Santos
.Net MVC Developer
10+ Years of Dot Net 8+ Years of .Net MVC. Has over a decade of professional Dot Net development.

Carlos Pereira
.Net MVC Software Engineer
8+ Years of Dot Net 5+ Years of .Net MVC. Great teamwork he previously specialized in ecommerce.
What does a .Net MVC Developer do?
Web applications are created using the Dot Net programming language and the .Net MVC framework by .Net MVC developers. The role of senior .Net MVC developer includes selecting frameworks and architecture for Dot Net projects, overseeing development, troubleshooting problems, and testing code. Additionally, .Net MVC developers create user interfaces and integrate data storage solutions, such as databases.
A typical .Net MVC developer’s duties include creating websites, software, and applications using Dot Net. While .Net MVC developers are not required to have formal education, many earn a bachelor’s degree.
In order to qualify for this position, you must have extensive programming experience as well as knowledge of .Net MVC software and web development. In addition, .Net MVC Developers should be proficient in analytical skills, have experience with business requirements, and be familiar with common programming tools.

Proven Partners In Development
The Best way to Hire a .Net MVC Developer?
Here are three steps you can follow to hire a .Net MVC developer:
Send us your requirements by clicking on the box below. Make sure you describe the project and what you need in the description.
Interview .Net MVC developers. Create a shortlist of professionals you’d like to interview as the proposals come in.
Your requirement description is the first step in defining your project scope and the type of .Net MVC developer you need.
Include the following details for a fast response:
Describe the scope of the project: Include all the deliverables you will need, such as websites, APIs, and big data analytics.
If this is a smaller or larger project, you should indicate this in your job posting.
Experience in particular industries, such as finance, can be mentioned here if that is your preference.
The preference you have for hourly rates versus priced monthly contracts should be noted.
How much does it cost to Hire a .Net MVC Developer?
Several factors influence cost, including expertise, experience, location, and market conditions.
Moreover, an experienced .Net MVC developer will provide higher-quality results, work faster, and have a wider knowledge base.
Beginners might be able to price their .Net MVC development services more competitively after they gain experience.
The hourly rate for our South American .Net MVC developers is as follows:
Prices From- Works to U.S time zones
- No Recruitment Fees
- Vetted Skills & Experience
- Fulltime Working for you
- No Unreliable Freelancers
Prices From- Works to U.S time zones
- No Recruitment Fees
- Vetted Skills & Experience
- Fulltime Working for you
- No Unreliable Freelancers
Prices From- Works to U.S time zones
- No Recruitment Fees
- Vetted Skills & Experience
- Fulltime Working for you
- No Unreliable Freelancers
Recruit .Net MVC Developers from South America with us!
You should note that the prices of developers are going to differ slightly based on the exact skill and experience requirements and their availability.
Choose the one that works best for your project depending on its specifics.
What does .Net C# MVC code look like?
C# .Net is an object-oriented programming language, .Net is a popular choice. Each method and attribute of an object is associated with a class in .Net C#. Real-life objects, such as cars, are objects. In addition to attributes, the car also has methods, such as drive and brake.
.Net MVC is a .Net web framework referenced from the Dot Net code. This means that .Net MVC code is simply Dot Net code using the .Net MVC framework. The .Net MVC framework is used to route web requests and process inputs in a scalable way.
In Fibonacci series, next number is the sum of previous two numbers for example 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 etc. The first two numbers of Fibonacci series are 0 and 1.
Below we will write a .Net MVC API method that will return the first 300 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.Http;
namespace FibonacciAPI.Controllers
public class FibonacciController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult GetFibonacciSequence()
List<int> fibonacciNumbers = new List<int>();
int count = 300;
int firstNumber = 0;
int secondNumber = 1;
for (int i = 2; i < count; i++)
int nextNumber = firstNumber + secondNumber;
firstNumber = secondNumber;
secondNumber = nextNumber;
return Ok(fibonacciNumbers);
Some Questions to ask when you hire a .Net MVC developer
Why do you like to use Dot Net with .Net MVC for web development?
Therefore, the candidate has the opportunity to discuss their Dot Net programming experience and .Net MVC framework preferences. Do you prefer writing functional or object-oriented code?
How do you check the quality of your code?
.Net MVC web projects require quality control to ensure the end results are what was expected. Ask the developer about the quality control process they use if they use any specific Dot Net development tools. Testing .Net MVC code for bugs and figuring out ways to fix them is essential for engineers.

When you read someone else’s code, what do you look for?
Providing an answer to this question will provide insight into their thought processes when coding. How should you write code? What is the most important thing to keep in mind? Functionality is important to them, how much? Is simplicity important to them? Is security important to them?

Do you prefer Working Alone or within a team?
The answer to this question can be any combination of skills Dot Net software engineers have. It may be important to you to hire an engineer who is hardworking and can work independently. As opposed to that, you might want someone who works well with others and does not seem stubborn.
How did you go about solving the last problem you encountered?
Describe how you approach and solve problems by answering this question. Their ability to solve problems under pressure will be demonstrated.
In addition, this isn’t necessarily a Dot Net coding issue, even though it might be. Also, the problem can be related to teamwork. In the case of disagreements with colleagues, they could explain how they reached an agreement.
Conflicts will show that they are capable of cooperating with others.
.Net MVC Development History
The .Net MVC framework was created by a developer named Armin Ronacher as an April Fool’s joke in 2004. Nevertheless, it quickly gained popularity among open-source developers. This led to it becoming a popular open-source project, which it maintains to this day.
.Net ASP Vs .Net MVC

Both .NET ASP (Active Server Pages) and .NET MVC (Model-View-Controller) are frameworks within the Microsoft .NET ecosystem, serving different purposes in web application development.
Understanding .NET ASP
.NET ASP is a framework that focuses on creating dynamic web pages. It follows a page-centric approach where each page is responsible for handling its own logic and user interface. It utilizes the Web Forms model, providing a rich set of server controls and event-driven programming to simplify web development.
Embracing .NET MVC
On the other hand, .NET MVC is an architectural pattern and framework that emphasizes the separation of concerns. It follows a model-view-controller pattern, where the Model represents the data and business logic, the View handles the presentation layer, and the Controller acts as an intermediary, managing user requests and updating the Model and View.
Key Differences
Separation of Concerns:
.NET ASP primarily focuses on handling the logic and UI within individual pages, whereas .NET MVC promotes a clear separation of concerns, enhancing code maintainability and reusability.
Flexibility and Extensibility:
.NET MVC provides a more flexible and extensible framework, allowing developers to integrate third-party libraries, frameworks, and tools, tailoring the application to specific needs. .NET ASP, while providing a rich set of controls, may have more limited customization options.
Testability and Modularity:
Due to its clear separation of components, .NET MVC facilitates unit testing and modular development, improving code quality and enabling easier bug identification. .NET ASP, with its tightly coupled page-centric approach, can be less conducive to extensive testing and modular development.
Why hire a .Net MVC Developer with us?
With excellent prices, we provide high quality Nearshore Technology Solutions. Providing high-performance, scalable solutions is our goal.
Our programming expertise and project management skills enable us to accelerate or rescue development projects. As your project develops, we strive to add lasting value.
Since 2014, we have matched hundreds of skilled developers to great teams at startups and tech companies around the world.
.Net MVC developers are fully integrated into your organization, becoming devoted members of your team.
Our .Net MVC developers undergo a thorough vetting process to ensure they are capable of communicating, working remotely, and possessing technical skills (not only to check for depth in Dot Net and .Net MVC, but also to check for breadth of computer science and software development knowledge).
More Economical Rates
Outsourcing helps companies reduce costs. There is a cost advantage to hiring software engineers outside the United States. In addition, your overall employment costs will be significantly reduced. You will not be charged US or European employment taxes, benefits, redundancy liabilities, or office space fees.
Expand Faster
In any industry, expanding or downsizing quickly can be a great competitive advantage. With our Brazilian developers, your business will be able to grow and shrink as needed.
Benefit From Our Experience
By outsourcing software development, you’re partnering with a company that has many years of experience guiding businesses toward their goals. By doing this, you can be sure that your application will be delivered on schedule and within budget.
What use .Net MVC to do?
By providing clear, simple interfaces, helpful documentation, a comprehensive test suite, and careful consideration of production issues, .Net MVC strives to provide exceptional developer experience. On top of Werkzeug and Jinja, .Net MVC demonstrates how to build a thin layer.
In addition to Media and eCommerce websites, .Net MVC can also be used to create health care and financial applications for transportation and booking, social media sites, and more. The framework can be used to develop the following types of projects and more:

- Providing financial platforms with tools for analyzing risk tolerance, and achievement probability
- A custom CRM system for internal customer data
- A shopping platform or booking engine with a high load;
- APIs that support web applications on Android and iOS;
- A system for evaluating property in the real estate industry
- A business document management system
How do you test the coding skills of a .Net MVC Developer?

Combined with other questions, technical code tests are an essential part of the hiring process. It is important, however, to customize each test according to your specific requirements and skills. To hire a candidate, you need to know exactly what you expect from them. A .Net MVC developer test, for instance, should include both Dot Net and .Net MVC framework knowledge.
A good coding assessment test asks the right questions, in the right format, to determine a candidate’s skills and potential. Candidates are evaluated not only on their technical abilities, but also on their soft skills.
What is the best way to organise .Net MVC Developers?
Managing development teams with diverse skill sets is essential when hiring .Net MVC developers. Technical talent must also be retained with a strong management structure, whether they work full-time or in hybrid teams.
Define clear objectives to obtain great results
Objectives and key results (OKRs) can be defined by product owners, developers, and architects to facilitate alignment on measurable success criteria. With the team’s help, leaders define the objective, and then they discuss, debate, and determine the key results.
OKRs should be defined regularly as a best practice. A frequent definition and measurement of OKRs can be costly; an infrequent definition and measurement can cause teams to lose sight of the goals. Examples include:
It may be possible to reduce page response time, increase app availability, or reduce error rates in order to increase application reliability.
A reduction in build time and automated testing may be required to improve deployment reliability.

Have a reliable process and choose a methodology
There have been many praises for agile methodologies among .Net MVC developers. Plan a release or sprint schedule.
Oftentimes, a one-week sprint is not enough time to complete large user stories, but a two-week sprint usually allows for vacations and unexpected issues. Daily stand-up meetings are necessary for developers to keep track of their projects (and ask for help when necessary).
The team members must communicate well
An engineering manager must be able to communicate effectively both with customers and the organization as a whole. It is important for a .Net MVC Developer to understand your customers, target audience, as well as the rest of the organization’s needs.
When your target audience’s needs are defined, you can develop software that is useful and profitable. Communication with external teams and partners should be handled directly by Dot Net developers when necessary.
We can help you organise your development team efficiently
.Net MVC development teams and Agile methodologies can be managed by us. Working software over comprehensive documentation, customer relationships over contract negotiations, and reacting to change over planning are key principles.
We believe Agile implementation goes beyond adopting a methodology. In order to help you choose the right Agile methodology, we look into your business and understand how you work. A right working methodology increases productivity, reduces time-to-market, and reduces defects.

How long does the average .Net MVC Developer job last?
Depending on the company, .Net MVC Developers in the US stay between 1.8 and 3.2 years in their jobs. In Brazil, people spend on average between 2.4 and 4.1 years, with those in Sao Paulo spending the least time. One company used to be the place where a person spent their entire career.
It is not uncommon for experienced Senior .Net MVC developers to move from job to job fairly quickly, seeking new opportunities and more money. This market is flooded with tech pros with mobile, cloud, and other in-demand skills, so they can easily switch from one job to another. It is important to communicate with employees, and we provide perks to get and keep the best employees.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Our services are trusted by hundreds of startups and tech companies worldwide, and we have matched hundreds of skilled developers to great development teams in the US, UK and Canada. Every .Net MVC developer in our network goes through a vetting process to verify their communication abilities, remote work readiness, and technical skills, both for depth in Dot Net and breadth across the greater programming domain.
The job description of a .Net MVC Developer should include the following:
Developing, implementing, and managing software
New program testing and evaluation
Enhancing existing programs by identifying areas for improvement
Coding in an efficient manner
Analyzing operational feasibility
Establishing procedures for quality assurance
Implementing software tools, processes, and metrics
Upgrades and maintenance of existing systems
Assisting other developers, UX designers, and business analysts with their tasks
It’s not enough to just ship features; your software needs to help your business succeed. In order to better understand what you’re building, for whom, and why, we’ll begin our collaboration with a discovery process.
Our headquarters are in Sao Paulo, Brazil. We have clients from all over the world. We have successfully collaborated with companies in North America, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. A good understanding of each client and excellent English communication skills help the process run smoothly.
We can work with you to scale the team down as needed and make sure you have the correct skills required for each project phase.
All Types! You can hire a Dot Net Developer on a full-time, part-time, or contract-to-hire basis at Hire Dot Net Developer. You can find a .Net MVC developer in a time zone that suits your needs thanks to our global network of skilled software engineers. Developers who work remotely for us are all mid- and senior-level professionals, ready to code right away.